A happy ending

Flower had been stolen from her garden in January this year, her distraught owner spent months looking for her with no joy, she had almost given up hope when her friend spotted her on our rescue website, poor Flower had been stolen to order, been bred from several times and then discarded on to the streets, she was then picked up and put in to the pound she served her 7 days and was going to be put to sleep as she was not claimed, which is where we came in, as a rescue we offered her a space and was in the process of fattening her up and getting her healthy ready for re-homing when we had a very excited call from her owner, we were delighted to be able to re-unite the two.
One of the biggest lesson everyone learnt here was the importance of micro chipping, if Flower had been micro chipped we could have re-united them back alot quicker, micro chips range from £10-£25 and they are well worth it if you animal is involved in a accident, gets stolen or goes missing this little impant can be a life saver. Safe to say the lovely Flower is now micro chipped although I don’t think she will be aloud out of mum’s sight for a while.

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