A Happy ending for Lacey

Hi my name is Lacey I am a black and white angora cross rabbit, let me tell you a little story before I met Stuart and Andy. I was living in a foster home at a farm in Applemore I could not be let out on the grass because I had to be shaved as my previous owner let me get in to a matted state. Then Stuart and Andy came along they played with me and let me out with him on the grass for short periods of time, so I could stretch my legs. I was so scared of being let out in a little pen initially but they were both there for me. Stuart and Andy thought they would adopt me. I went home with them and met Reg and Daisy(there other rabbits) they kept coming up to my hutch and saying hello to me, I was not sure at the time but once I got to know them Stuart and Andy thought they would let me out with Reg and Daisy, we play all day long. So I want to say a big thank you to Andy and Stuart for taking me on and giving me a home. Also thanks to All Animal Rescue for saving mex x x x x x