Sadly this weekend we have lost our oldest resident Guinea pig.
Lard came in to us as a failed breeding guinea pig, she ended up a permanent resident as nobody wanted to re-home her due to her red eyes. Lard soon became a favorite of everyone here due to her tough spirit! She took no nonsense from anyone and her ability to drag off vegetables 3 times her body weight while fighting off everyone else was nothing short of impressive.
Sadly old age hit our lady and a couple of months ago she developed Glaucoma, we knew that diabetes was the likely cause so she was closely monitored and sadly over the last couple of months she started to decline, this weekend she took at turn for the worst this weekend and we took the decision to have her put to sleep, as although her body had given up, her little heart was still going.
Thank you to everyone for your help and support in this time. We are in the process of organising the planting of trees for the scattering of ashes of the rescue animals.